Műszaki tudományok
Wigner Kollokvium_Alberto Di Meglio:The role of AI
8 hónapja - 59:21
Gucsik Arnold interjú - Class FM - Morning Show -
7 éve - 26:15
Itokawa kisbolygó
7 éve - 00:24
ITER Informatics Support for Design Integration
John How
14 éve - 42:23
Remote Participation for LHD Experiment
Masahiko Emoto
14 éve - 17:31
Overview of the TJ-II remote participation system
Jesús Vega
14 éve - 15:29
Advanced Tools for Enhancing Control Room
Dave Schissel
Gheni Abla 14 éve - 21:32
Gheni Abla 14 éve - 21:32
An Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure
Rodrigo Castro
14 éve - 16:43
Status of Videoconferencing Standards
dr. Ulrich Schwenn
14 éve - 38:08
The Collaborative Tokamak Control Room
Dave Schissel
14 éve - 31:21
Real-time control of magnetic islands in Frascati
Francesco Iannone
14 éve - 19:14
Status of the Plasma Control System on the
David Gates
14 éve - 18:10