Információs tudományok
Információs tudományok (27)
Humán tudományok > Információs tudományokIntegrating EPICS and MDSplus
Dana Mastrovito
15 éve - 13:49
Integration of MDSplus in Real-time Systems
Gabriele Manduchi
15 éve - 28:20
Real-time Optical Plasma Edge Detection and
John Storrs
15 éve - 25:29
A unified real-time control and data acquisition
Jorge Sousa
15 éve - 25:51
Development of Information Technology Systems for
Nina Putvinskaya
15 éve - 15:25
A Generic Remote Method Invocation for Intensive
André Neto
15 éve - 10:12
Web Based Electronic Logbook and Experiment Run
Thomas W. Fredian
15 éve - 14:54
Recent Developments in Post-Pulse Information and
Richard A. Layne
15 éve - 23:52
Storage and analysis techniques for fast 2-D
William M. Davis
15 éve - 16:55
A magnetic configuration database and application
Andreas Dinklage
15 éve - 19:19
User interaction concept for plasma discharge
Anett Spring
15 éve - 19:50
Data Security on the National Fusion Grid
Justin Burruss
Thomas W. Fredian 15 éve - 27:42
Thomas W. Fredian 15 éve - 27:42